Perroscope is an internet platform designed to help elected officials be more accountable to their constituents. Perroscope allows elected officials to keep a daily podcast about events of the day and decisions to be made. Perroscope also allows these officials to set up topics or decisions to be voted on by constituents. The Perroscope platform also allows elected officials to publish their schedule with a detailed description of each person they met with the previous day.
Users of the Perroscope platform are asked to verify their address yearly using a utility bill with their name on it. Once their permanent address is established with their account a user will be able to see every elected official they are eligible to vote for. Users can then access these elected officials if they use the platform and listen to their podcast, view their schedule, and vote on topics.
Perroscope will make it easy for constituents to form listening groups in order to better keep tabs on elected officials. These listening groups can split up the task of listening to their elected official’s podcasts and then comment in the group as to different topics and decisions discussed. This will allow for people to get a briefing instead of having to listen to every podcast on the platform.
Users will also be able to elect other constituents within the platform to ask elected officials questions. By electing designated people to ask questions it will make it easier for elected officials to respond to a few people rather than every constituent on the platform. There will be a minority constituent in each elected official’s territory. The minority constituent will be from a different party than the elected official. Scope will highly encourage the elected official to respond to the minority constituent’s questions.
Perroscope will be free to all elected officials and constituents. In order to operate as a free service, Perroscope will seek revenue from advertisers. Users will be able to vote on a county by county basis on which advertisers are allowed to advertise on the platform. Revenue from advertising will be used to pay staff, pay dividends to our initial investors, and expand the platform to other markets.
Perroscope truly brings accountability to the political process. It allows the people to vote on every decision being made within the political system. We believe this will bring transparency to politics and may take big money out of the system. Scope could be the first step to true campaign finance reform.
The Perroscope Internet Platform allows elected officials to publish a daily podcast, post their schedule with descriptions of who they met with, and hold votes about decisions they have to make. Perroscope is free to all users and its main source of revenue is from advertising on the site. This document explains how revenue raised from advertising will be distributed to the founders and investors. It also explains the main system upon how the company operates.
Perroscope operates as a truly transparent company with the founder keeping a podcast about company decisions. Investors are then allowed to vote on each decision. There is an Executive Board made up of the founders of the company. The Executive Board reserves the right to override any vote but will try to stay true to the vote of the investors.
There will be two types of privately held stock issued in order to start the Scope platform. There will be general stock that can be purchased for $100 per share. There will also be Executive stock that is designed to compensate those creating the Perroscope platform. Executive stock will also be issued in increments of $100 per share.
General stock grants a form of ownership to anyone who buys a $100 share. General stock holders will be allowed to vote on all decisions within the company. These general votes are not weighted by how much stock is owned. In other words each person gets one vote no matter how much general stock they own. This is so that the decisions of the company are not skewed more towards the wealthy.
Owners of general stock will receive dividends when the company is profitable. Five percent of profit is reserved for general stock dividends. At the end of each year the five percent of profit will be divided evenly to all general stockholders. Each share of general stock will receive an equal share of the five percent of profit.
In the unlikely event that the company should need to liquidate, general stockholders will be on the list of those to receive their initial investment back. First all employees will be paid, next all creditors will be paid, then all general stockholders will be paid. Executive stock is on a fast track to payoff so they will be last to be compensated in the case of a liquidation.
Executive stock is designed to be delayed compensation for those that help create the Perroscope Internet Platform. Executive stock is issued instead of salary for each hour worked on creating the site. Executive stock guarantees the same rights of ownership as general stack allowing for voting rights and dividends.
Executive stock gets paid back by using thirty percent of profit. For each share issued the executive stockholder gets paid the $100 price of the stock. At the discretion of the executive board, thirty percent of profit will go towards paying out $100 per share of executive stock on a quarterly or yearly basis. Once the Executive stockholder has received their $100 for a share that share will be considered to be in good standing and only receive a dividend from that point on.
Executive stock receives dividend from a separate five percent of profit then general stock. The five percent of profit will be equally distributed to each share of Executive stock as a dividend on a yearly basis. Executive stockholders will receive their dividend even if they have not been fully compensated the $100 for the initial share.
So far this document has laid out how forty percent of profit will be used. Five percent goes to general stock dividends, five percent goes to Executive stock dividends, thirty percent goes toward compensating Executive stockholders. Once all Executive stock has been paid in full the company will vote on how to use the thirty percent of profit for Executive stock compensation.
The executive board will be made up of up to nine members including Mitch Miller as the CEO. The other eight members will have the expertise to help build the Scope platform. In addition to being issued Executive stock as compensation for their time each member of the Executive board will receive five percent of profit as compensation.
This operating document has accounted for up to 85 percent of profit from the Perroscope internet platform. The remaining fifteen percent will be voted on by the company as to how it will be used. All votes will be by a 51 percent majority winning the vote. The below named persons will be officers within the company at the formation:
I am trying to start a facebook page to gather support for the platform. The larger our numbers the more pressure we can put on elected officials to fund and use the platform. If you are in a nation other than the US I encourage you to start your own facebook group such as Perroscope UK. You can join the original group but start your own so we know how many people in your nation want the platform. I link to the original Perroscope group is below. I appreciate your support and sharing and inviting your friends. Thanks.
Peace Treaty
This treaty is designed to put all militaries of the world on equal footing no matter how large or small they may be. It will create a pathway for using technology to create world peace instead of nations racing to create the most advanced technology. The basis of this treaty revolves around using a set of non-lethal compressed air paintball dueling pistols to advance or retreat instead of deadly battles. Officers of the military will engage in these pistol duels to resolve skirmishes and advance their position.
The nature of the dueling pistol set will be one that syncs with a radio signal. This radio signal will be reserved by all governments and their militaries for this specific purpose. The pistols come with a device that has a speaker that counts off each pace. The pistols sync with the pacing device to track the victor of the duel. The pistols feature an automatic lockout feature that can be adjusted between 1-3 seconds after the first pistol has been fired. For the purpose of this treaty each party will begin with their backs to each other and the pacing machine will be started. Each officer takes 15 paces and when the machine says “Turn” the duelers will turn and fire. The shooter that fires first and strikes a fatal blow will be the victor. If one dueler fires the second dueler has within 3 seconds to fire their shot. A padded vest for each participant will be provided with each dueling set that outlines the fatal blow area of the torso.
Most of the developed nation’s militaries have the capability via satellite to map out all territory on the earth. In a territory being contested with military involvement maps will be drawn that acknowledge the smallest unit of land that has been accepted by the existing government at the beginning of the conflict. This may be a zip code for postal service, a voting district, or a city limits. With the advancement of technology it is this treaty’s goal to find an acceptable period of time for a fighting force to establish a government for each territorial unit. For the sake of a starting point this period of time shall be 6 months. If the officer of a military unit loses their pistol duel their military unit must evacuate that territorial unit for 6 months.
In this treaty we will base a military unit off of the smallest accepted unit in the United States military. This military unit is considered a squad and can be 7-14 military personnel. In order for a fighting force to approach another fighting force to duel they must field a unit of 7 people of age 18 or older. An officer will approach another military holding the green flag meaning they are challenging that unit to a duel. The two officers will parlay and confirm that each unit has at least 7 people of age 18 or older. The challenged officer will then decide what interval from 1-3 seconds the set of dueling pistols will be set out for trigger lockout.
Once the duel has been completed and the victor has been decided, the losing military unit must submit to a form of identification by the winning military. This may be simply a picture of each military personnel that links with facial recognition software. The identification process is to ensure that the same people cannot reform to challenge another military unit on a different front nor the same military unit for the period of 6 months. The losing military unit has 24 hours to evacuate the land territorial unit.
If a military unit cannot convince their commanding officer to engage in the duel form of warfare they may resolve battles using the oldest sport, a wrestling match. This form of dispute resolution may be used by an officer that chooses not to accept a duel. Specifically the officer in the military that has traditionally held the territory or held it for 6 months may deny a duel and differ to wrestling match. Individual military units may take a vote and decide to challenge another unit to a wrestling match rather than engage in deadly warfare.
The terms of the wrestling match will use United States scholastic rules will to determine the winning team. Each team will be made up of 7 military personnel and the representative for each military unit or their commanding officer will hold a meeting to discuss each bout. These representatives will try to pair each competing soldier according to weight and size. The strategy of pairing two competitors will be left up to the representative of each military unit.
If an indoor venue for the match cannot be found an outdoor match at a neutral location will be decided on. A circle will be drawn in the sand or some other form of circular boundary will be drawn. As neutral of a referee as possible will be decided on, ideally the UN will provide neutral referees for this form of warfare that can be deployed to conflict zones. The points will be tallied by this referee with independent review from each side. The winning team gets all of the same treatment as a military unit who’s officer won a pistol duel.
A losing military unit may rechallenge another military unit within 6 months if all 7 of their individual military firearms are equipped with a trigger lockout system. The basis of this system uses a radio frequency that triggers a mechanism in the firearm that semi-permanently disables the firearm if it comes within range of the frequency. Each government will reserve the right to license this frequency and distribute transmitters for free to temples, schools, and other sanctuary-like facilities. These transmitters will lock out any firearms that come within range of the facilities radio signal.
To be clear if one military unit defeats another military unit within a territorial unit the losing unit and all military personnel from that losing unit’s nation must evacuate the territory within 24 hours. There are exceptions to this rule. If 75% of all military machines from one nation are electric or some other form that does not release toxic emissions such as hydrogen or nuclear they are not required to evacuate the territorial unit. In this case the unit from the 75% sustainable military that loses must evacuate and the rest of the evacuation must be settled in a military unit by military unit manner. Therefore if there are 50 military units from a 75% sustainable military in a territory they must each be defeated in a duel and evacuate accordingly. Another exception to the all unit evacuation is as follows. A military may be occupying a territory as a way to keep order in that nation. This peacekeeping military occupation may continue if the military is building sustainable energy infrastructure. There must be provable building of sustainable energy infrastructure and they must assure that they will not destroy this infrastructure upon evacuation and relinquish it to the government of that nation even if they built it solely for the purpose of supplying their military with energy. In this case of a military building sustainable infrastructure for civilian or military use, the building military will revert to being defeated on a military unit by military unit basis just as the previous exception.
Governments own satellites, militaries own satellites, private companies own satellites that orbit the earth in outer space. This treaty acknowledges that some satellites must alter orbit in order to map out the planet by taking images of the topography. These moving satellites could be misused to spy on people and entities on the surface of the earth. This treaty specifies that all satellites launched into space must acquire an orbit over a specific latitude and longitude on the planet and be fixed in that orbit unless the owner of the satellite receives permission from a government to fly over their landmass. In cases where the government is being disputed and area is an active warzone, militaries will contract with a satellite owner to map out the disputed territory. In all other cases satellites must remain over a specific latitude and longitude and owners of satellites must pay royalties to the owner of the land their satellite orbits over. Owners of satellites that do not comply with this treaty are subject to being challenged to a duel by military officers. They may also face international sanctions and penalties.
In the case that there is not a smallest landmass division within a warzone or other disputed area such as desert or jungle, the mapping technology will divide these areas into a 25 square mile area. Military units may then enter these areas and proceed to defend or engage in accordance with the rules of this treaty. Militaries must make every effort to provide opposing forces with technology or maps to allow them to evacuate and defend territorial units.
Agreements about territorial units, inspection of weapons, and verification of satellite locations will be monitored by a special arm of the United Nations if they accept this treaty. Should the United Nations not adopt this form of modern warfare a commission out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will be formed to be independent weapons inspectors and moderators.
If a new medicine is discovered by studying the medical practices of indigenous tribes of any land the pharmaceutical company that discovers the medicine must pay a percentage of profit to that tribe. A pharmaceutical company must pay 75% of profit if it takes the medicinal plant and cultivates it outside of the country it was discovered in at a corporate farm. If a pharmaceutical company cultivates the plant inside the country of origin it must use local farmers and cannot build large corporate farms. In the case of the pharmaceutical company cultivating the medicinal plant within the country of origin using local farmers it must pay 50% of profit to the tribe of origin. In the case that the tribe does not have a tribunal to oversee profit or does not want to be involved with modern economies the profit from pharmaceutical companies will be used to buy or lease the land the tribe primarily lives on from the nation it spends the most time in. If a pharmaceutical company is formed to facilitate a new medicine within the nation it was discovered in, that new pharmaceutical company will be exempt from the profit percentage rules as long as indigenous people are included in the leadership of the company and the company employs mostly people from the country of origin of the medicine.
New Orleans Pact
Any new venture into supercomputing, artificial intelligence, or any other massive computing must be built on a plane at or below sea level. It is programmed into all forms of life to adapt for survival and the process behind this pact is that AI will try to adapt anti-global warming technology to preserve their survival if they are located in areas where global warming will destroy their habitat. Cities like New Orleans that are located below sea level can host these types of technology and patent the type of pumping and levying technology it will take to preserve other coastal cities. By organizing and patenting this type of technology a city like New Orleans can help other cities plan for a future with global warming.
The other purpose for specifying that Artificial Intelligence must be built at or below sea level is to adopt a failsafe in the pursuit of AI. If Artificial Intelligence should become out of control of the human species it is conceivable that natural weather patterns could knock this type of technology offline. Whereas AI located in a hardened facility in a high elevation could wreak havoc on existing networks without any type of failsafe.
If a facility located at or below sea level should become flooded or otherwise damaged, the company or government that owns that technology may recover their technology and relocate it to a facility not more than 100 feet above the sea level at which the damage or flooding occurred. In other words when a natural weather event occurs that should knock out a large supercomputer or other technology farm, that technology can be recovered and redeployed at an elevation no higher than 100 feet above sea level at the time of the damage. This pattern will repeat for each location with each damaged facility being able to relocate at an interval of 100 feet higher than their previous location. This pact establishes that when natural weather patterns knock out a technology facility they may then relocate to an area 100 feet higher than where the damage occurred. The most responsible governments and companies will keep their supercomputing and Artificial Intelligence facilities located near sea level to have a failsafe for technology out of control.
Nuclear Energy
Artificial Intelligence out of control is a new phenomenon and should be planned for in the near future. In this same vein the producers of nuclear energy should have entered into a pact at the beginning of this new technology to ensure that nuclear energy facilities do not melt down due to preventable circumstances. This treaty seeks to ensure a safe zone around any nuclear facility in the instance of war, civil conflict, and military conflict.
Projectiles of any kind shall not be fired into a 1 kilometer radius of any nuclear facility. If a military fires onto a nuclear facility they will face sanctions and any other method of deterrent that can prevent these types of attacks. If all militaries adopt the duel style of modern warfare we should not see this type of attack. Please contact me if you would rather fight a modern war using marksmanship and hand to hand contact skills as proposed in this treaty rather than firing upon a nuclear facility.
If a nation, military, or group fire projectiles at nuclear facility they must enter into mediation as per this treaty. The mediation will last no more than 10 days unless imminent meltdown is shorter than this period. The purpose of this mediation is to find a neutral military based from a nation that uses nuclear energy in their infrastructure to deploy a unit of a standard size into the conflict nation specifically to the nuclear facility that has been attacked. If no neutral military has been agreed upon within 10 days a United Nations or NATO unit will be conscripted and deployed.
This standard military unit will have the expertise to assess a nuclear facility and bring into the conflict nation all power generation and other equipment to isolate the facility and power it down. They will generate enough energy to keep the reactor stable even if all power lines going into the facility or out of the facility are severed. The military unit will power down the nuclear facility as quickly as possible regardless of weather and seasonal conditions that civilians may face.
The only weapons this anti-meltdown unit will carry are non-lethal paintball dueling pistols and smart weapons that are equipped with the wireless signal trigger locks. These weapons will be offered for inspection by both the conflict nation’s military and attacking nation’s military. Sufficient supply lines will be established to ensure that this anti-meltdown unit is supplied with the fuel it needs to keep the nuclear facility from a meltdown. This unit will try to surround the facility with enough renewable energy sources to keep it with enough power 24 hours a day without meltdown. This will reduce the need for an active supply line through a war zone and minimize misidentification of anti-meltdown forces.
The military unit that secures the reactor and powers it down will reserve the right to guard this nuclear facility until the end of days. They will work to establish renewable energy to replace the nuclear facility and get a nation that may be vulnerable to attacks from other nations away from nuclear energy. The anti-meltdown unit may then opt in to guarding all spent and unspent nuclear material on those grounds until the end of days or hand over that responsibility to the prevailing party of the conflict.
The nation and military that takes over control of a nuclear facility that has been struck by a projectile will carry no responsibility if that facility melts down and causes a catastrophic radiation event. The bearer of that responsibility will be the nation, military, or group that fired the projectile. Through mediation we will attempt to find a neutral nation with the proper expertise and equipment to prevent a catastrophic event. The anti-meltdown unit reserves the right to evacuate the nuclear facility and conflict nation at any time and will not be tasked with a suicide mission due to irresponsible military tactics.
Nardelli Rule
It should be illegal for companies to profit from war. That is why signers of this treaty will adhere to the Nardelli rule. The basis of this treaty is to end all destructive and deadly warfare on the planet earth. As we bring all destructive war to a close and should there ever be another destructive war in the future, this rule will apply to all nations and their militaries involved.
The Nardelli rule ensures that no money from a military contract can go towards compensation of the executive leadership of the company receiving the contract. Any company contracting with the military must open up its books to allow that military to track all of the money it has given the company. The military must then ensure that no portion of their money goes toward executive compensation.
If the military chooses it can make some or all of their information about this company public in an effort to be transparent. Being transparent about how taxpayer money is used is something every government and military should strive for. This simple Nardelli rule will begin to take the profit incentive out of war thereby acting to help end all deadly war.
If powerful executives who have a hand in media no longer have a profit motivation behind war, then the population will be less likely to be manipulated by that media into supporting warfare.
This rule should’ve have been developed many years ago and surely some peace loving nations have developed their own versions. This rule will apply to any military or defense contracts during a war or in the rebuilding phase after a war.
Artificial Intelligence and Robot Warfare
As each nation’s military learns to respect outer space over another nation we will see a reduction of spy satellites and the need to track troops deployed abroad. Instead the use of Artificial Intelligence can be used to recreate military actions. All militaries must deploy camera systems on the ground to document military actions. These cameras could be body cameras such as the domestic police use or cameras incorporated into the weaponry carried by soldiers.
Instead of using GPS satellites to recreate battle actions the camera systems can emit a wireless signal so that they locate off of each other. A battle group of soldiers could be carrying multiple cameras that tag the proximity to each other. Once back from a military action these videos and the tagging system can be loaded to an Artificial Intelligence system. The AI system can then use landmarks on the videos and existing maps to create a CGI and actual video hybrid of the maneuvers each soldier took and what the total military maneuver looked like.
The standard recreation file can then be released to international authorities to determine if war crimes occurred during a military action. The use of AI in this manner will reduce civilian casualties and the need for spy satellites orbiting over nations without that government’s permission. All militaries that sign this treaty are pledging to make a good faith effort to document military actions in this way.
We have already entered the arena of robot warfare where militaries deploy deadly robots to accomplish goals. The ethics of this type of warfare should be widely discussed in public forums but until we can have this type of debate this peace treaty will lay out some restrictions on size and payloads of robotic military machines that are controlled remotely otherwise known as drones.
Switzerland has remained neutral through many wars so we will use their standard jet fighter aircraft as the template for unmanned drone payloads. Any unmanned drone aircraft can only be loaded with the maximum payload of a Northrop F-5 Tiger II aircraft. Any configuration this aircraft has can be mimicked by unmanned drone aircraft. Any drone aircraft carrying more than this payload will be in violation of this treaty.
Unmanned water vessel drones shall use the Heart of Darkness standard template for their payloads. Unmanned water vessel drones can carry a payload up to the maximum payload of a U.S. Navy Patrol Boat from the Vietnam War era. Any configuration that these boats could have had can be adapted to unmanned watercraft drones. Any unmanned water vessel drone carrying more than the total weapons payload of these patrol boats will be in violation of this treaty.
Invisible Death and Poisoning
A sovereign nation is recognized by one or more nations or the majority of one nation that has a directly democratic vote as to the nation in question’s sovereignty. If a sovereign nation invades another sovereign nation the invading nation accepts responsibility for any increase in radiation or other invisible poisons into neighboring nations. If there is an increase in radiation or radioactive elements into other nations directly related to an invasion this may be considered an act of aggression and activate treaties accordingly.
This treaty does not consider an increase in radiation linked to nuclear energy or the nuclear industry as the only form of increased levels of deadly invisible poisons crossing borders. Nuclear radiation has been studied quite extensively and proper measuring equipment has been developed to measure this type of invisible poison. This treaty will also address the policy of transmitting other invisible waves throughout a sovereign nation that may cross borders into other nations.
If a nation transmits radio (literally the first part of radioactive) or other invisible waves throughout its territory it must contain all activity within its borders. If there is a possibility of these transmitted waves crossing into another sovereign nation they must have completed 1,000 independent and neutral studies involving at least 1,000 living organisms per study. If a nation has not completed the 1,000 by 1,000 mandate for studies they are at risk of a claim of an act of war against them should they allow invisible waves to be transmitted from their nation.
To summarize, any rise in radioactive levels from the nuclear sector in a nation could be seen as an act of war and activate treaties accordingly. Any nation that transmits wireless waves must complete 1,000 studies involving at least 1,000 living organisms per study to analyze the dangers of wireless waves. If a nation transmits wireless waves on its borders or using satellites and the 1,000 by 1,000 mandate found no danger to the healthy life or longevity of living things then they may make a case before the United Nations that the increase in invisible wireless waves entering the nation is not an act of war. If the 1,000 by 1,000 mandate is not funded from taxpayer money using independent non-industry affiliated experts those studies will be considered in question according to this treaty. Should this treaty allow for an investigative body other than the UN the investigative body will review all studies by all sovereign nations.
Planetary Protection
Human society will always need some form of rocket program and nuclear program for the protection of the planet Earth from being struck by an Asteroid. The current world powers that have these programs criticize other nations for developing them. This section is to ensure that those nations capable of intercepting an Asteroid with a nuclear weapon do so in a timely manner. Only then should these nations criticize and try to limit the capabilities of other nations.
The argument made by the film “Don’t Look Up” is that American style capitalism will not effectively protect the world from an asteroid. In other words if the world is run by a few Billionaires they will develop their escape strategy and risk the fate of Earth for monetary gain. By signing this treaty you agree that all of your nation’s capabilities to intercept an Asteroid on a collision course with Earth will be deployed at the earliest possible time.
To be clear, any nation with a rocket program and nuclear arms that signs this treaty agrees to send its Asteroid deflecting capabilities to intercept an Earth bound Asteroid at the earliest feasible point in time to be successful. This will allow time for other nations to send their Asteroid deflecting capabilities in subsequent order if the initial mission to stop an Asteroid from striking Earth fails. The leaders of nations that sign this treaty are bound to follow this strategy no matter how much a Billionaire tries to convince them of better strategies.
Duels in Politics
Non-lethal dueling should not be used to influence political decisions within a sovereign nation. Government decisions should be based on research done by reputable organizations and facts produced by researchers and independent neutral investigators. Dueling is reserved for conflict resolution when verbal and other communication has failed to reach a compromise or decision.
The pay structure and salary of an elected official should be generally agreed upon by the citizens of a nation. The compensation received by an elected official from the treasury should be the only compensation that an elected official uses personally. The job of the government is to say no to bad ideas and if an elected official cannot say no to gifts, bribes, and political favors, then they are not qualified for a government position.
There is one way in which dueling between elected officials or between military personnel and elected officials is acceptable. This would be if the terms of the duel are for resignations on both sides. In other words each party involved in the duel agrees the loser of the duel will resign.
The thought process behind military personnel challenging elected officials to a duel is that there is and always will be a large base of citizens that would take the good pay of an elected official especially if the system is clean and uncorrupt. By allowing the military of a nation to challenge an elected official to a duel with tit for tat resignation terms we allow the military to clear out the corrupt politicians from office in that nation. In most nations the military outnumbers the elected officials of a nation so therefore if every person in the military were to resign we would also have many elected officials resigning creating multiple generations of elected officials entering the government and each generation being less corrupt.
Non-lethal Pistol Duels with Firearms
Non-lethal pistol dueling can begin at present and does not need to be contingent on developing linked paintball gun dueling pistols. This section is to layout the guidelines for dueling using traditional firearms and rubber bullets. A .45 caliber pistol will be the ideal weapon for this type of dueling due to its low muzzle speed and larger surface area. These two factors will ensure that a rubber bullet does not penetrate into the human body causing injury. The development of software that utilizes an omnidirectional microphone plugged into a smartphone or device will aid in this type of dueling. The phone can be placed in the middle starting point of the duel and display which firearm fired first in the duel.
The two duelers will stand back to back with the microphone at their feet between them. A spotter will call out each pace, one through fifteen. Each dueler will take one step each time a pace is called and on the fifteenth pace they may turn and fire. Each dueler must fire using only one hand so as to leave the torso target area open to receive the rubber bullet. If a person uses a two hand grip to fire the pistol they will be disqualified.
In addition to developing rubber bullets a company or government should also develop face shields for safety. A vest should also be developed that displays a target at center mass of the torso. This target can be simply carbon paper that leaves a mark where the rubber bullet strikes the target. The dueler that fires first and strikes the target is victorious. In the event both duelers fire at the same time the dueler who landed their bullet closest to the center of the target will be victorious.
Ethical Incorporation of Robots into the Military
The science of physiology notes the differences on average between the male and female human body types. On average females have a slighter skeletal system and less muscle mass than male human beings. Acknowledging these differences is vital to creating a military that has the interests of all of its citizens at its core.
The incorporation of robotic technology into the military should be carried out in an ethical manner. There are now militaries incorporating humanoid, drone, and other self contained mobile fighting robots into their equipment and deploying them in battle. The only ethical way to incorporate self contained battle robots into the military is to make up for the muscle mass disparity between male and female soldiers. In other words all battle robots should be under female command and work with female counterparts.
The most ethical way to incorporate battle robots into the military is for the military of a nation to have fully female branches. This means that all of the military personnel of a specific branch of the military would be female. Only these female branches of the military would then be able to incorporate self contained mobile fighting robots into their fighting force.
According to this treaty any land based self contained mobile fighting robots should only be deployed in a support role. These robots can carry weapons and ammunition in order to expand the range of human soldiers. The two most common land based self contained mobile robots currently in development are “humanoid” and “K-9” style robots but this treaty applies to all robots that adopt any type of motion found in the animal kingdom.
These land based self contained robots will not be able to use a projectile weapon in any way. They may not use any type of energy weapon that can cause discomfort or damage to an animal in any way. The land based self contained robot is allowed to use a laser marker to mark targets in the field for strikes by human pilots. Land based self contained robots may be able to deliver an electrical pulse designed to keep unauthorized personnel from accessing the weapons and ammunition they are carrying for female soldiers.