Shop exchange BX PX
I am appealing to the military to list some of my products on their online Base exchange and Post exchange website. Requesting that we put my “There’s no can’t in American” t-shirts on the website in the three color options. If a description is allowed we can explain that my percentage of sales from these items goes toward building an online platform designed to bring transparency to the government. Possibly a link to my mitch4mayor website will be provided so that they can read about Perroscope.
Additionally I am asking permission to produce 6 hat designs that could be listed on the online platform. These designs would be: NAVY, ARMY, USMC, USAF, USCG, USSF. They would be available in gold thread on either a black, navy, or military green hat. The description of these hats would explain that my percentage of sales from these items would go toward building a website in which people can discuss and vote on who I should challenge to a non-lethal duel as well as developing a system of surrogates to stand in for people who have been challenged to a duel.
All shirts and hats will be made in the USA. This would allow me to be partnered with a government system that sends me orders that I can fulfill and receive income. I can then take that income and contract with a company to deliver the initial versions of these two websites. Updates on progress would be made available to the public on one of my websites and through a podcast.
Help fund Mitch's effort to ratify a peace treaty that proposes replacing deadly war with non-lethal pistol duels and wrestling matches. The peace treaty can be found on this site under the "Perroscope" section. Contact Mitch through this site to order this shirt or check back when it is available on his Etsy site. Thanks
If you want a sticker they are free. Show your support for the campaign by putting them on the bumper of your car or other high visibility surface. To receive a sticker simply email me your information using the email form on the home page. The link below should navigate you there. Thanks for your support!
Show your support by wearing a face mask everywhere you go. If you want a mask simply email me using the online form on the home page or follow the link below. Recommended donation $4. Win a free troll by taking selfies in your mask and posting to social media. Thanks for your support!
Get your Mitch for Mayor T-shirt today. On the rear of the black shirt is the "" script and on the front left chest is "Direct Democracy". Use the link below to contact us via email and order a shirt. Recommended donation is $10.
Please donate to Mitch Miller's Mayoral Campaign. If elected Mitch will secure a vote for every resident of Pittsburgh on all law and budget using a simple website. Your donations go to printing more stickers and other advertising related to the campaign. Thanks!