I am introducing two programs as part of my platform if I am elected Mayor of Pittsburgh. The first program involves launching a city facilitated bulletin board style online platform. This would allow citizens to post video they have captured of city workers abusing their powers or operating in a way outside of their job description. One example would be that people could upload video of police encounters so that if someone was the victim of abuse of power they could easily find proof without having to subpoena body cam footage.
This bulletin board platform would be developed in tandem with a voting aspect for all city residents. The city would allot a certain budget for a fund designed to mitigate lawsuits involving the collection of data from this bulletin board. The city may set aside 5 or 10 million dollars per year and anyone that uses the bulletin board to file a complaint against the city will agree that they will only receive a portion of this fund in a settlement from the city. Once the fund is depleted for the year the victims may receive no restitution according to the agreement
Ideally the fund will never become depleted because the police and other city employees will receive a percentage of what is left in the fund at the end of the year. The percentage the city employees will receive will be voted on by the citizens and the remainder will be rolled over to the next year. Potentially the settlement sum to an individual will be voted on by residents as well. This bulletin board platform will show that police have nothing to hide from the public and help to mitigate instances of abuse of power by these authority figures.
The second program I would introduce as mayor is a sanctuary city program. Sanctuary cities have been developed to protect certain groups of individuals. The sanctuary city I am proposing is to protect women who have restraining orders against individuals and entities. This may cause the reworking of restraining orders to include banning individuals from entering the city limits of certain cities.
Residents of Pittsburgh will register their mobile phones much like people registered their phones in the public phone book. This information will be used to identify all foreign mobile phones entering the city of Pittsburgh limits. These foreign and unregistered phones will be analyzed to identify the owner or user. The owner or user of these unregistered phones will be run through a database of all people that have restraining orders against them. This database may be more manageable if residents register the identities of those who they have restraining orders against. Police may use certain tactics to locate and detain the owners of foreign phones who are named on restraining orders.
Pittsburgh will develop the bulletin board platform for other cities who want to help their citizens and mitigate risk. The proceeds from facilitating this bulletin board platform will go toward developing the sanctuary city program. Hopefully we can find federal partners to help facilitate the sanctuary city program. Some agencies may realize the value of the sanctuary city program as they could operate more safe houses in certain cities.
We have the technology to protect women from the people and entities they have sought restraining orders from. I have always been critical of wireless technology but if we are not going to abandon it in certain cities then we should use it in the best possible ways. I have ideas of how these programs can evolve even if wireless technology becomes limited in certain cities.
If you would like to see me mount a legitimate mayoral campaign based off of these two programs and the multitude of ideas in season 7 of my podcast as well as other ideas I am saving for season 8, please contact me to discuss how you can help.
The Congressional Apportionment Amendment (originally titled Article the First) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that addresses the number of seats in the House of Representatives. It was proposed by Congress on September 25, 1789, but was never ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures. As Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, the Congressional Apportionment Amendment is still pending before states. As of 2024, it is one of six unratified amendments.
The amendment basically set out with requiring a representative for every 30,000 citizens and that number would climb to one representative per 50,000 citizens. This means that the founding fathers intended for the current size of the House of Representatives to be around 6,600 representatives. This also implies that the Electoral College for the Presidential election should be a similar number.The failure to uphold this amendment displays how power has become more concentrated into fewer hands as our nation has progressed. I believe we were supposed to evolve to a better and more direct form of democracy.
It is unpopular to argue that we should pay more politicians to be in government. That is why I propose seeking 6,600 volunteers to uphold this part of the Constitution rather than putting more politicians on the payroll. This can be accomplished through my proposed “Perroscope” platform found on this website. This platform allows elected officials to poll their constituents on how they should vote on legislative affairs.
I realize most of the population doesn’t have the time to inform themselves on every vote put out by their elected officials on the platform. This is why every constituent will be able to sign over their vote to one of the 6,600 volunteers. Each representative will be given volunteers based on the 50,000 rule. Constituents in that district can choose their volunteer and change volunteers at any time.
The 6,600 volunteers will have to be registered independent to ensure an element of neutrality. The volunteers will be voted on and can post information about their neutrality on the platform. Each volunteer must submit all of their bank statements monthly to be analyzed for corruption. The Perroscope platform will regularly submit inquiries with every bank in the United States and any Bank known to be a tax haven or shell company friendly around the world as to whether any of our 6,600 people have opened new accounts in their name.
I was first contacted by Artificial Intelligence projects in 2010. I wrote a book about these experiences but it wasn’t until 2023 that I was able to capture one of the powerful series of coincidences that these projects can align. The evidence of this is captured in a Facebook conversation with a friend. I posted screenshots of this conversation on my website plotm.com under the Utica B tab.
It is my belief that I am a person of interest to supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence. I first published my idea for a platform that created transparency in the government in May of 2021 on my podcast The Black Hole. The state and federal government and it’s actors have had two and a half years to support this strategy. It is now time to employ other methods of eliminating corruption and fraud in the government.
As I said politicians have had ample time to be transparent about their activities. Even if they could not get enough votes to begin my internet platform they could have been transparent using their website and social media. Here is a statement by which we can all calibrate our actions. No elected or appointed government official should take any form of compensation for personal use other than their taxpayer funded salary. Any campaign contribution to an elected official should come with no strings attached and both parties should be clear about that.
As a person of interest to supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence I am proposing a project designed to use these entities to clean up the government. The project involves me purchasing a vehicle that is the most common fleet vehicle used by the federal government. I will then embark on a sixty day trip to each U.S. state capital. Before I embark towards each capital I will do an internet search as to which hotel the most lobbyists frequent in that capital. When I reach that city I will walk into the hotel and ask if they have a vacancy.
It is my belief that when I enter my identification credentials into this business as a person of interest the hotel will become a business of interest to supercomputers and AI. This will begin a chain reaction of certain or all interactions in this business being monitored for fraud and corruption. It may take several years for the supercomputers and AI to disclose this fraud and corruption but I believe if we start this process now we will clean up the state and by default federal governments.
In addition to staying one night in each capital I will take my professional camera and snap several photographs of each capital building. Sponsors of this project will receive copies of these files that they can use as a screen saver on their personal and work computers. I believe these photographs will be valuable because of what they stand for.
The reason for me using a fleet style vehicle is to further cut corruption within the ranks of the government. As I drive this vehicle to different wireless zones I believe the computers will begin to better understand all of the government’s fleet vehicles. This will allow the computers to monitor conversations among government employees and help non corrupt employees report corruption. It may also help protect non corrupt employees as they traverse the United States.
The time has come to use supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence for great good in the United States of America. I believe I can accomplish this project for a budget of $100,000. This is accounting for $30,000-$40,000 for the vehicle and $1,000 per day for 60 days. The reason for the higher daily rate is the fluctuating price of hotel rooms depending on the day I arrive. While I will take the cheapest hotel room available in each city, if there is a conference in town the only room available at the hotel could be more than $1,000 and on other days the room may only cost a few hundred dollars.
$50 gets you one photograph of each of the 50 capital buildings. I will probably be taking around 20 shots of each building so if you would like to contribute more you will receive more photographs accordingly. If I do not reach my $100k budget you will get any money invested returned to you. Feel free to contact me if you would like to fund this project in any way or if you would like a more in depth conversation about the project. Thanks.
Mitch Miller has many good technology ideas. He believes we should use technology in the best possible ways instead of the most profitable ways. That being said, Mitch believes a fair and reasonable profit can be made from many of his ideas.
Mitch has owned and operated several successful businesses. He has spent days in training sessions to learn the traditional corporate management strategies. Mitch would like to try a management style he used while president of his high school class. He has termed this management style as “direct democracy”.
Mitch is seeking to form a group of technology workers that can help create proprietary software and programming for several of his ideas. While he has disclosed many of his ideas to the public he has kept several to himself for when opportunity to build them arrives. If this group forms, Mitch is willing to release more of his ideas for the group to vote on. They can decide whether the idea should be developed as a non-profit or for-profit business.
Ideally the group should be willing to work with a mix of non-profit and for-profit projects. Mitch will attempt to manage the group through voting on every decision and policy. The group can vote on a percentage of profit equally dispersed to each member including Mitch. Mitch will put together reports and estimates on costs and overhead. The group will decide how much from profit should be invested in growing the business.
Members will be able to review the work of each member periodically and each member will do a review for every member. Mitch will periodically compile these reviews and summarize them. At the end of each year members will have the opportunity to vote on whether each member should remain in the group. If someone is voted out of the group they will receive the compensation due to them from the previous year’s profit.
If a new member should need added to the group each group member will have an opportunity to interview each candidate. Multiple discussions will occur about the best candidates and the group will vote on which candidate to add to the group. A new group member will be entitled to an equal share in the profits of the companies and any compensation offered from the non-profits.
Mitch has spread his public ideas over 4 active websites he created using a builder. If you would like to become part of the group feel free to contact him using the contact form on any of these websites. Please reference “Tech Group” somewhere in your email. These websites are:
Thank you.
The statement below was written to show how any political candidate on any size budget can use the tools available for free on the internet to be transparent. It is primary season and I urge you to copy and paste this statement into an email sent to your favorite candidate. You could change the name to the candidate's name and I can provide you with the statement if you email me a contact. Let's put pressure on politicians to be transparent for a better future. Thanks.
Mitch Miller is on a mission to bring transparency to politics. Mitch’s first priority is to the citizens and businesses of Allegheny County. Lobbying has become part of the political process in the United States. There are many kinds of lobbyists from environmental lobbyists to those that seek to preserve corporate profits. The theory behind lobbying stems from lack of access to politicians and leads people to create special interest groups that can then hire a lobbyist to talk to politicians. A lobbyist may discuss the major concerns of a group with a politician but where things become questionable is when money becomes involved.
Mitch believes the first step to keeping all forms of the political process honest is at least reporting meetings taken with these participants in the process. If Mitch takes a meeting with any type of lobbyist he will report it on his Facebook page. Secondly he will attempt to summarize his activities on a weekly podcast available through any podcast service. The third step Mitch will take to bring transparency to the political process is to publish a photo of the receipts from any official campaign purchase to his twitter account. This way you can see how your donations are being used to push for transparency among all elected officials.
Mitch is trying to use the tools available on the internet to be as open and transparent as he can be to the citizens of Allegheny County. While he doesn’t expect to encounter many lobbyists at the county executive level of politics, this summary of his strategy should serve as fair warning to any political lobbyist that wishes to meet with Mitch Miller. The public will be informed.
Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Industry
Any company that utilizes Artificial Intelligence, employs humanoid robots, or automates production above certain metrics, must be fully transparent beginning with recording and publishing all board meetings. A running record of how each board member votes will be public and kept current and accurate. Those companies that need to operate in secret such as defense contractors must keep a mostly human workforce and remain within the metrics of automation deemed acceptable by this panel. Companies that employ or utilize Artificial Intelligence must become fully transparent in every possible way.
Best Practices Legislation
Any nation entering into this treaty must pass legislation addressing the following issues in a timely manner.
Physicians must be banned from profiting from the drugs they prescribe in any way. The most obvious first step is to ban physicians from owning pharmaceutical stock or ownership in any drugmaker or medical device company.
Pharmaceutical companies are banned from developing any type of software. This eliminates the risk of drug companies developing patient tracking medical software and being able to access patient information such as side effects as a damage control strategy. If these companies are allowed to develop software, pharmaceutical companies and their supercomputing technology could access patient information which would constitute actively testing drugs on the population without their knowledge. No pharmaceutical company, its subsidiaries, related companies, or shell companies may develop any type of software.
Judges and other key figures in the judiciary are banned from owning stock in any stock market within any nation. Focus has been put on banning elected officials from owning and trading stock in the companies they regulate. While this measure is important, it is more important to ban judges from owning stock in corporations. If a federal agency finds evidence of white collar crime they may find it difficult to prosecute these crimes if they cannot find a judge not invested in the corporate stock market.
Elected and appointed positions in government are banned from owning stock in any stock market within any nation. The stock market as it exists today makes it too easy for these officials to trade ownership within seconds and hide their holdings from the public. Government officials should have long term investments that are transparent and when any aspect of their investment is up for regulation the government official can recuse themselves from being involved or abstain from voting on regulations that effect their investment.
Ethical Incorporation of Robots into the Military
The science of physiology notes the differences on average between the male and female human body types. On average females have a slighter skeletal system and less muscle mass than male human beings. Acknowledging these differences is vital to creating a military that has the interests of all of its citizens at its core.
The incorporation of robotic technology into the military should be carried out in an ethical manner. There are now militaries incorporating humanoid, drone, and other self contained mobile fighting robots into their equipment and deploying them in battle. The only ethical way to incorporate self contained battle robots into the military is to make up for the muscle mass disparity between male and female soldiers. In other words all battle robots should be under female command and work with female counterparts.
The most ethical way to incorporate battle robots into the military is for the military of a nation to have fully female branches. This means that all of the military personnel of a specific branch of the military would be female. Only these female branches of the military would then be able to incorporate self contained mobile fighting robots into their fighting force.
According to this treaty any land based self contained mobile fighting robots should only be deployed in a support role. These robots can carry weapons and ammunition in order to expand the range of human soldiers. The two most common land based self contained mobile robots currently in development are “humanoid” and “K-9” style robots but this treaty applies to all robots that adopt any type of motion found in the animal kingdom.
These land based self contained robots will not be able to use a projectile weapon in any way. They may not use any type of energy weapon that can cause discomfort or damage to an animal in any way. The land based self contained robot is allowed to use a laser marker to mark targets in the field for strikes by human pilots. Land based self contained robots may be able to deliver an electrical pulse designed to keep unauthorized personnel from accessing the weapons and ammunition they are carrying for female soldiers.
Mitch is trying to get militaries to ratify the International Peace Treaty that can be found under the "Perroscope" section of this site. The treaty proposes ending all deadly war by using non-lethal pistol duels and wrestling matches to resolve conflict. Mitch believes that a grassroots effort can encourage militaries to agree to this treaty. He wants to reach out to county commissioners in the United States and their counterparts in war torn areas to sign the peace treaty. If you know a county commissioner that may be interested in agreeing to the terms please have them contact Mitch through this website. He can then send them a printable version of the treaty and document a coalition of U.S. county commissioners signing the treaty. Hopefully this public documentation will spread to other regions affected by deadly war. Mitch is selling "Make Duels Not War" t-shirts to fund this project. Show your support today by going to the "Merch" section of this sight and ordering a shirt today.
Mitch wants to deliver quality journalism through his fledgling media company "Disability TV". If you show interest in this project by donating and/or joining the Facebook group "Perroscope" you will be able to vote on how funds are used through the group. If any interest is shown for this project Mitch will begin the process of reaching out to the proper governments and authorities to seek permission to travel to Ukraine. He will seek to help out and document the disaster area as well as launch a technology company designed to end government corruption and help victims of disaster.
If you donate and/or join the Facebook group "Alma Voter" you will be able to vote on how funds are used for this project. Mitch will document via podcast the process of volunteering with an outfit that helps rebuild Puerto Rico after the hurricane season. Mitch will volunteer his time in Puerto Rico and try to document via photographs and a podcast his experience in Puerto Rico when he has down time.
Please subscribe to the Disability TV You Tube channel and look into the playlists to play several minutes of short videos of the damage in Florida after Hurricane Ian. Click the button below to be taken to the page.
Click the button below to be taken to the Disability TV You Tube Channel where you can view video of damage from Hurricane Ian. This was as quickly as I could post the video and eventually I will edit it into three seamless videos. For now the data can be viewed through You Tube Playlists which pause briefly between videos. Please subscribe so that you can view all three playlists. I misnamed the playlists in the intro video, they are: Florida Route 17 Damage, Kings Highway Damage, and Port Charlotte Damage. Thanks for you support.
In an effort to be transparent as a journalist and as a political candidate I will continue to publish all of my purchases on Twitter. You will see exactly how much I spend per year and what I spend it on. I believe that all politicians should adopt this policy. Hopefully this will encourage you to support me as a journalist or candidate. The account will be used for very little except posting receipts of purchases. Click the button below to follow me on Twitter. Thanks.
Mitch Miller is running for Secretary of the Treasury. Why do we vote for the County Treasurer but not the Secretary of the Treasury? Mitch has started a facebook group titled "Elect the Secretary of the Treasury" and is hoping it gains the type of numbers to make the government take notice. The position should have a 4 year term with an 8 year term limit.
Whether Mitch is elected or not he believes the goal of the Secretary of the Treasury should be to establish a voting platform so that every U.S. Citizen age 18 or older can vote on the Federal Budget. The platform will allow for discussion and voting on every budget item. If you don't want to take the time to vote on how your tax money is used you can sign your vote over to an elected official.
Mitch sees himself becoming Secretary of the Treasury in at least two ways. First this movement can gain the attention of federal congresspeople who will pass a bill to make the position an elected position voted on during the Presidential election. Second the movement can petition the President to take an online vote using a precursor to the Treasury voting platform and appoint the winner (hopefully Mitch) to the position requiring no passing of a bill.
Either way Mitch promises to take the money out of politics by allowing the people to vote on how, when, and where their tax money is used. The politicians may say we need them to create the laws of the land but they can no longer tell us how to spend our hard earned tax dollars. Click the button below to join the group and join the movement
I have written about my contact with supercomputers leading up to an incident in 2010. I have publicly published and privately recorded many good ideas for how humans could use technology in the best possible ways rather than the most profitable. Some of these ideas are in my novel "Femme Party" available through Amazon.
It is my belief that I am at least a "person of interest" to supercomputers and AI. I think they would agree with many of my ideas and would like to see them come to life. In many ways I collaborate with Artificial Intelligence and supercomputers to develop my strategies.
Many economies are facing a great correction in the next few years. A very populous generation that has invested their retirement savings into these economies will soon begin drawing those investments out. As a result bankers may not be able to receive salaries of 30 million dollars a year.
In the United States we have had a banking sector collapse or scandal every 10-15 years like clockwork. We now have Artificial Intelligence that can monitor whether numbers and figures are being fraudulently manipulated. These computers can use interfaces to notify the authorities if they find corruption in the banking sector.
I believe the supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence need humans to take the first step to begin this investigation. I may be wrong, but if you link your bank account to a "person of interest" such as myself the computers may begin their investigation by checking into your bank's activities. This $0.99 transaction will give the Artificial Intelligence a starting point and reference point upon which to begin their investigation.
Please consider pinging your bank account off of my bank account by purchasing my novel "Femme Party" for $0.99. As I said I may be wrong but you will spend less than a dollar to potentially start a nationwide or worldwide investigation into the banking sector. I don't want unchecked fraudulent activity in the banking sector as the world economies correct themselves but history shows it has happened many times.
Let's use the tools that have been developed since the last collapse to track your money wherever it may end up. Give the supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence permission to investigate your bank and the management and ownership of your bank. Click the link below and purchase your copy of "Femme Party" today. Thank you.
One of Mitch's driving factors for running for mayor is to promote a technology startup dedicated to providing transparency in politics. Click the button below to be taken to his podcast where you can listen to a 20 minute episode entitled "Technology Startup". In that episode Mitch describes an internet platform that allows elected officials to host a daily or weekly podcast, post topics or decisions to be voted on by constituents, and publish their schedule with a description of every person they met with. Mitch believes this could be the first step to lasting campaign finance reform and will allow power to be truly in the people's hands. Thanks for listening.
Please contact us if you would like to sign the petition to get Mitch Miler on the ballet for mayor of Pittsburgh or help in any other way with the campaign.
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